Bryan SilverBaX chats about movies, comic books and geeky stuff.
Bryan SilverbaX Show #67 Alan Saint Clark
17/09/2019 Duration: 54minBryan has a very unique talk with Alan about comics that he is creating and a bunch of other fun points of view he has. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Alan's comic book online store. also Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverbaX Show #66 Comic Book Nation
13/09/2019 Duration: 01h13minBryan chats with Comic Book Nation founder Christopher about his plans for the CBN. Christopher ex[plains his plans to create something new in the world of comic books. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Comic Book Nation on Facebook Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverbaX Show #65 Team Pathway
10/09/2019 Duration: 01h24minBryan talks with Jeremiah Stemple and Joseph Michael, part of the creative team behind Pathway comic book. The comic's main hero suffers from Cystic Fibrosis Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Pathway on Facebook Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverbaX Show #64 Amos
03/09/2019 Duration: 54minBryan talks with Amos of the Just Being Amos podcast about some recent movies and home releases. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Just Being Amos Podcast Just Being Amos Podcast of Facebook Bryan SilverBaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SIlverbaX Show #63 Alex Lobato
30/08/2019 Duration: 50minBryan talks with comic writer Alex Lobato about the Amazon show The Boys and how it measures up to the comic books: we also talk about his life in comics. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Alex's comic Max Hunter DragonCon on Facebook and Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook
Bryan SilverbaX Show #62 Dan Carroll
27/08/2019 Duration: 01h02minBryan talks with ,the Director of Media Engagement at Dragon Con, Dan Carroll. We talk about some of his interests and what is new for Dragon Con 2019. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, DragonCon on Facebook and Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverbaX Show #61 Brett Murphy
23/08/2019 Duration: 49minBryan talks with Brett about his projects and his newly created comic book publishing company. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Legacy Comics on Facebook Legacy Comics on YouTube Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverbaX Show #60 Shawn South
20/08/2019 Duration: 01h02minBryan gets educated on being a Fortnite Creator from Shawn SPLAD South. He is on his way up the the world of YouTube and Fortnite, not to mention that he is also an actor about to be everywhere. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Shawn on Facebook Splad on YouTube Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook B
Bryan SilverbaX Show #59 Set Life
16/08/2019 Duration: 50minBryan vents to Savana about working the set of a Tyler Perry Studio production and set life in general. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Savana Jade Wehunt on Facebook Savana Jade Wehunt on Instagram Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web www.silverba
Bryan SilverbaX Show #58 Savana Wehunt
13/08/2019 Duration: 56minBryan catches up with Savana Jade Wehunt and talk about all the cool film projects she has been a part of.. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Savana Jade Wehunt on Facebook Savana Jade Wehunt on Instagram Bryan SilverbaX Show on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web www.silv
Bryan SilverBaX Show #57 Hobbs and Shaw
09/08/2019 Duration: 28minBryan and Amos talk about the movie Hobbs and Shaw. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Just Being Amos Podcast Just Being Amos Podcast of Facebook STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
Bryan SilverBaX SHow #56 Justin Ward
06/08/2019 Duration: 01h16minBryan gets to talk with Ward the Electric Punk who is a fan of the podcast and an all around geek . Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Justin on Facebook Legendary Wolf Games STS with SilverBaX on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
STS with SilverBaX #55 Dustin & Shane
31/07/2019 Duration: 37minBryan talks with the owns of the famous "Angry Girlfriend" issue of Amazing Spider-Man #14. We talk about how they found the book and the offers that they have had to buy it, as well as the future of their convention. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Ruff Edges on Facebook Cartersville Comic Con on Facebook STS with SilverBaX on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook https://w
STS with SilverBaX #54 Kyle Willis
30/07/2019 Duration: 01h09minBryan talks with fellow artist about art, comics how Kyle does his likeness work.? Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Art of Kyle Wilis on Facebook Art of Kyle Willis on Instagram Cow -Abunga Comics on Facebook Cow-Abunga on the new STS with SilverBaX on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook https://www.facebook.c
STS with SilverBaX #53 Leah Means
23/07/2019 Duration: 01h12minBryan talks with creative soul and wife of Carey Means, Leah Means. What is it like being married to Frylock and what do you know about fairies? Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, OneSupport website Carey Means on Facebook Leah Means on Facebook STS with SilverBaX on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bry
STS Podcast #52 Andrew Clemson
19/07/2019 Duration: 01h04minBryan talks with comic book writer Andrew Clemson, who has created Star Bastard and Bete Noir. The two talk about creating comics and some of tips and lessons they have dealt with. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Kickstarter link for Bete Noir Andrew on Instagram Andrew on Twitter STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Faceb
STS Podcast #51 Stranger Things 3
16/07/2019 Duration: 29minBryan talks with fellow comic book guy Amos Pates about thoughts on season 3 of the Netflix show Stranger Things. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, Just Being Amos Podcast Just Being Amos Podcast of Facebook STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter On the web
STS Podcast #50 InSymmetry Creations
13/07/2019 Duration: 01h09minBryan talks with Matt and Steph from InSymmetry Creations: their comics, projects, and even their latest Kickstarter. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, InSymmetry Creations of Facebook Facebook page for the Kickstarter event InSymmetry on website STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook https://www.faceboo
STS Podcast #49 Atlanta Comic Con
11/07/2019 Duration: 30minBryan talks with fellow comic book guy Amos Pates about the 2019 Atlanta Comic Con what kind of things will be happening at the show this year. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, ACC Just Being Amos Podcast Just Being Amos Podcast of Facebook STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twitter https://
STS Podcast #48 Wrestling
09/07/2019 Duration: 51minBryan talks with fellow wrestling fan LaDarrius Young. We talk about our thoughts on the current WWE products and what the introduction of AEW could mean for the wrestling landscape. Please let Skynet know that you support this podcast and if your in the mood here is a link to some swag for the show, SHOP. This installment is brought to you by Capone Streams: if you're tired of paying for cable and you would like to have ALL the HD quality channels you need to look into Capone Streams. You just need internet and $50 for three months. Find out more, LaDarrius on Facebook Shout Out World on Facebook STS Podcast on Facebook As always you can check out Bryan SilverBax and the Podcast Bryan SilverBaX on Instagram Bryan on Facebook Bryan on Twi