Sound bites for women, who are ready to unleash their full potential, become unapologetic & unshakeable in the pursuit of the best life and self. Mindset. Motivation. Inspiration. Actionable steps. Dont just dream of it. Go after it.
E#17 | How Little It Takes To Make Somebody’s Day
12/04/2019 Duration: 05minJenya shares a few example of what it takes so make somebody else’s day and how it affects you.
E#16 | To The Working Woman, Who Is Dying For Something Better...
08/04/2019 Duration: 16minThis episode is for a career woman who feels like she is trading her time for money. Who wants a more fulfilling way to earn a living. Hack, who wants her own business. But she is too scared to risk all she has to go all in. Because there is a lot to lose. She has had a taste of working for her self - an MLM side gig, passion project that has made her some money, or freelance opportunities outside of work hours... but none of it had yet generated a substantial income, or enough momentum to walk away from your day job. Is it you? Then don’t miss this episode!
E#15 | We Are 1/4 Thru The Year. What To Do About That.
03/04/2019 Duration: 11minJenya reflects on the fact that we are 3 months into the year, asking you to look at your goals and assess how you want to move forward. She shares a few tips for you to make those goals happen!
E#14 | The Actual Cost and Risk of Investing into a Business
22/03/2019 Duration: 05minJenya talks about expense and commitment it takes to Star a business and how to assess the risk of investing in learning how to run one.
E#13 | If You Are Hating Mondays... Listen ASAP
18/03/2019 Duration: 13minJenya talks about two times of “job dislike” and how to improve that. Spoiler alert: might be time to quit and do this
E#11 | Where the Roots Are
08/03/2019 Duration: 06minJenya takes you on a little walk down the memory lane. She is back at her town and some (and not so great) memories are coming back.
E#10 | Generate Joy
02/03/2019 Duration: 07minIn this episode Jenya walks you through how you can assume the energy/the state/ the condition you desire without relying on external factors.
E#9 | #1 Mistake You Make As Soon As You Wake Up
25/02/2019 Duration: 08minIn this episode Jenya shares her first mistake she made as soon as she woke up. And you betcha... you make the same mistake daily.
E#8 | The Best Way To Feel Wealthy
24/02/2019 Duration: 15minJenya talks about beliefs around money and how to feel more abundant. Episode was inspired by her experience at the resort where she was staying this week.
E#7 | Lesson From A Dude Who Made $25 Million In One Year
22/02/2019 Duration: 07minJenya is recapping the highlights from the day and the main take away you can start focusing on right away. This take away comes from a 35-year old millionaire that did a round table with the event participants sharing what helped his success. Note: you don’t have to strive for millions to implement what he shared.
E#6 | Hello from Nashville!
21/02/2019 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jenya gives you the take aways from her first full day at the live event she is attending. Hear about what if feels like to be a part set of the tribe and a man who is fired a father and only then a business owner.
E#5 | Unsexy Part Of Success
18/02/2019 Duration: 08minJenya shares 2 things to do every Sunday to ensure your success.
E#4 | You can’t just build a 6-figure business.
11/02/2019 Duration: 04minJenya shares a story how being told that “you can’t just go and start a 6-figure business” became a driver for her & and what you need to make your dreams happen.
E#3 | How I got here.... My story of how it all began.
08/02/2019 Duration: 16minIn this episode Jenya shares her personal story of how she ended up in the world of personal growth and development, and what made her decide to leave fitness industry and take a plunge into the world of self improvement with an intention to help women transform and own who they are as she did herself.
E#2 | Why you should “buy” people to be in your corner.
07/02/2019 Duration: 09minJenya is reflecting on her recent session with one on one client and her personal experience of hiring coaches and mentors vs. having accountability partner or a friend who is also a mentor .Why you should hire vs. just ask for help/accountability when you are ready to break through your barriers and go to the next level.
E#1 | Chapter One: Pause to Celebrate
01/02/2019 Duration: 07minOn the last day of the first month of the year pause to celebrate what you’ve accomplished.