Clear River is a church gathered in Northern Va. Pastor Jeff Ling leads the church and the sermons here are from our Sunday morning worship service. For more info,
The First Warning: "Don't Drift"
08/03/2020The author of Hebrews pauses to remind us that the world never stops bombarding us with its beliefs, lies, and worries. If we do not actively pursue Christ and Christ-likeness, we ARE drifting away.
Hebrews: The Kingship of Christ
01/03/2020The author of Hebrews wanted to ensure the reader was clear about the kingship of Christ, as explained and planned by God from the beginning of time.
Hebrews - The Supremacy of Christ, Part 2
23/02/2020Christ is superior to the prophets, Moses, and the angels.
Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ
09/02/2020Christ is the perfect prophet, king, and priest because He is the exact imprint of God Almighty.
Hebrews: The Glory of Christ
02/02/2020Over the next several weeks, we will be studying the book of Hebrews. The following link is the video mentioned in the sermon audio.
Weapons of our Warfare: Praise!
26/01/2020We are told to give thanks in all circumstances. Why? To still the enemy! It's an honor to praise the Lord, not an option.
Grace, Part 2
19/01/2020Grace is for everyone. We must remind ourselves of God's grace to us, so we can be effective ambassadors for Him throughout our communities and the world
Carrying Others on Our Hearts
05/01/2020Jesus is our high priest, carrying our names on His heart. Let's be bringing others to the Lord on our hearts.
Three Circles - Putting it all together
23/12/2019Three Circles Evangelism is a tool for sharing God's plan, our rebellion, and the Gospel to those who don't know. However, we must present the Gospel completely - Jesus is not a bandage for a certain problem, He is the ONLY answer to the human predicament of our relationship with God.
Three Circles - Circle 3, The Gospel
16/12/2019The Gospel is truly the Good News we all need, long for, and try to substitute with other things. Listen and hear how much Jesus loves YOU.
Three Circles - Circle 2, Brokenness
08/12/2019When sharing the gospel, we can get distracted by specific sins. We must remember that sin is so much bigger than individual actions. God isn't looking for our virtue, he's looking for our surrender. He wants us to lay down our arms against Him.
Three Circles - Circle 1, God's Design
02/12/2019When sharing the Gospel, it's best to start at the beginning. God did not create an evil, broken world. His plan for us is good.
Walking in Wisdom in a Foolish World
18/11/2019It is important for us to understand the world in which we live, in which we are called to share the good news.
Moving Boulders, Sowing Seed
03/11/2019As we pray, boulders are moved, seeds are sown. But we also need to pray for wisdom from the source, Jesus.
The Gospel
20/10/2019Why do we need to be reminded of the Gospel? Because it is of first importance. We desperately need a Savior who died for our sins and rose again.
The Church's Prayer and Samson's Locks
13/10/2019Just as Samson, shorn of his locks, was powerless against his enemies, so is the church without prayer. Things happen when we pray that would not have happened had we not prayed.