Have you ever wondered what lies in the darkness? Have you felt the call to enter the gates of Hell to see what you might find? Do you feel the desire to reach out and possess anything you chooseto ascend to the throne of God and to rule your life? The Dark Ascent Podcast will reveal to you the secrets of successful black magick, what lies upon the left-hand path for those brave enough to walk upon it, and the nature of the Dark Ascent by which you may become God of your reality.
DA006 Creating Quantum Uncertainty
22/02/2019 Duration: 49minThings are never so certain as you think they are. Life is uncertain, and the more you try to pin something down as true, the more uncertain it will become. Today, your Dark Ascent will involve Quantum Physics, and the principles that surround the uncertainty of reality. Can you really be certain that everything in life is the way you currently see it? Melektoth and Elinara delve into concepts, theories and universal laws that ultimately hold the answers to creating a better reality for you and those around you. This episode will challenge your current way of viewing the world. Enter at your own discretion. In This Episode The lenses through which we see and explain things What happens when you believe that something is absolutely true Superposition and how it affects our reality Baby chicks manipulate a robot hen Zero State: A realm of infinite possibilities Being yelled at by a Demon “There are a lot of different lenses we can look at this through” “What you observe, you interact with” “You can’t be abs
DA005 The Power of Satanic Imagery
15/02/2019 Duration: 47minWelcome to the Dark Ascent Podcast, where we enter into the deepest secrets of black magick and the left hand path. In this episode, hosts Melektoth and Elinara dive into the subject of Satanic imagery. They give us a glimpse into the mythology of various cultures, and how vital that mythology has been to the shaping of the people within that culture. They also discuss how Satanism and Satanic imagery has been used both to attract and deter people from the left hand path for as long as it’s been in existence. This episode may challenge you, and you may find resistance in some of what is being said, but remember: it’s all part of your Dark Ascent. In This Episode Why would one want to use dark entities over using the universe The part Mythology plays in the shaping of our culture What do you want to live? Predominant western Mythology Satanic scares, and the shock factor of Satanism The self refining nature of the left hand path “Mythology does not mean something is false” “Everything you can imagine is
DA004 Receiving Answers From the Unmanifest
08/02/2019 Duration: 48minDo you receive answers when you pray? Do you even expect to? Or do you just pray as though it were a one way communication? In this episode, Melektoth and Elinara describe what it’s like to receive answers to the questions they most desire answers to, and how you can apply a versatile technique to begin experiencing the same thing! The mind is a powerful place, and with practice and experience it only becomes sharper and more effective. Delve deep into the process and learn how to create the circumstances that allow life to whisper solutions to your most fascinating questions, and build connections to your deepest desires. In This Episode Opening your Astral Senses Are you going off the deep end, or are you getting answers? Skeptics will be skeptical. Do you trust yourself? Are rituals necessary to perform black magick A versatile technique that will get you answers and create connections “You basically have an astral sense for every physical sense” “Was it really my imagination? Or was it a demon?” “Tr
DA003 The Intersecting of the Worlds
01/02/2019 Duration: 41minThere are many skeptics in the world where magick is concerned, but the question is: are they skeptics because they’ve never experienced magic? Or is that they’ve never experienced magic because of their skepticism? On this episode of The Dark Ascent Podcast, Melektoth and Elinara return to uncover that very topic, and speak in depth about how magick looks in the “real world”, what conditions it can typically be witnessed in, and how it can apply to your day to day life. Melektoth also gives food for thought by explaining objective and subjective realities, and why they matter so much to magick. Close your eyes, and begin another chapter in your Dark Ascent. In This Episode Where is magick’s place in the world? The significance of The Astral Plane in your ability to do magick Creepy experiences and the roles of subjective and objective reality When does magick happen in your life What a ritual experience looks like, and why you shouldn’t let another person sit in “It’s hard, especially with something like
DA002 Rebelling Against Default Reality
25/01/2019 Duration: 48minMelektoth and Elinara return for another look into the dark side of life and the left hand path. More specifically, what is our default reality, and how was it created for us to follow? The two hosts bring up powerful knowledge and information regarding not only the creation of our individual realities, but also those who rebel against them. Free will and The Black Flame are touched on in this episode, and their place in modern society is discussed. Beyond that, Elinara asks compelling questions and the conversation begins to take on a life of it’s own as the two delve into conformity and the concept of merging into the universal way. Be prepared, this episode inspires individual thought. In This Episode The left hand path is about rebellion, but what are we rebelling against? How does default reality form? Does God punish the wicked? Eastern religions and moral standards The stigma against selfishness Giving up ourselves to merge with “the All” How freedom and free will benefits people within society 3 re
DA001 Are Demons Really Evil?
09/01/2019 Duration: 37minWelcome to The Dark Ascent Podcast where we enter into the deepest secrets of black magic and the left hand path. Today you’ll be introduced to Melektoth and Elinara, the hosts. They will be discussing demons, what they truly want above all else, and whether or not they are actually evil beings or if they are simply portrayed that way. Melektoth will also take you on a journey to give you knowledge and deepen your understanding of the left hand path. If you're attracted to the idea of freedom, and enjoy seeing the people around you rise to their potential, you may have more in common with these dark beings than you would initially believe. Tune in and allow yourself to ascend to another plane of existence. Welcome to your Dark Ascent. In This Episode Demons are evil, aren’t they? The demonization of ancient Gods What the word demon actually means Why only acknowledging Light and Good is a mistake What is the Left Hand Path? Before light, there was only darkness What demons truly want “Demons are actuall