INTO THE P.I.T.T. is a team of paranormal and cryptic investigators who seek others to interview that connect in life with positive vibes and spiritually inspires the mind, body and soul with positivity. We speak with those that influence through music, inspire with creativity and art and motivate with words and experiences to lift us all up.
Elastic Bond
03/04/2019 Duration: 01h04sElastic Bond Miami Based recording artist established in 2006 that infuses an uplifting sound, self described as psychedelic tropical soul
The Texas Tail Lights
20/03/2019 Duration: 37minAn exclusive interview with the Texas band The Texas Tail Lights and a live in studio performance
Into the PITT with special guest Marcus Harvey From Ghost Brothers
06/03/2019 Duration: 42minPreviously recorded: Marcus Harvey from Destination Americas Ghost Brothers