The Warburg Institute is concerned mainly with cultural history, art history and history of ideas, especially in the Renaissance. It aims to promote and conduct research on the interaction of cultures, using verbal and visual materials. It specializes ...
Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh - Hugh Kennedy
14/01/2016Warburg Institute Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh Hugh Kennedy (SOAS) The Iconography of ISIS Workshop organised by the Warburg Institute in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Proj...
The Scholastic Origins of a Renaissance Humanist: The Isagoge of Symphorien Champier
23/10/2015Warburg Institute The Scholastic Origins of a Renaissance Humanist: The Isagoge of Symphorien Champier Professor Brian Copenhaver (UCLA) Symphorien Champier made his medical career as an advocate of the new classicism of Quattrocento Ita...
Nutrire il corpo, nutrire lo sprito: alcune cene rinascimentali tra cibo e parola
22/01/2015 Duration: 50minWarburg Institute Nutrire il corpo, nutrire lo sprito: alcune cene rinascimentali tra cibo e parola Professor Nuccio Ordine (Calabria)