What does it take to find success as an entrepreneur? How can you grow a business and change the world at the same time? On Zen Money Monday, we’re talking about profitable business-building…from the inside out! Each week, two-time best-selling author and Zen Money CFO Liz Lajoie shares interviews with innovators, thought leaders, and entrepreneurial junkies who are doing the hard work of business building in unique and meaningful ways. In these intimate conversations, Liz and her guests explore all facets of entrepreneurship, ways to manage the “ticky tacky” details and the emotional roller coaster that we all experience as leaders in our businesses, and what the idea of Zen Money really means. You’ll hear fascinating “from the trenches” stories and behind-the-scenes realities to help you build your version of success as an entrepreneur with confidence. Here’s to building a business you love…because when you’re business thrives, so do you!
040 Mara Linaberger - School Business
27/07/2020 Duration: 50minIn this episode we discuss:Mara's history as a teacher and online educator.Why so many people are looking for a different version of education these days.The business of schooling (public and private).How MicroSchool Builders got started.Mara's version of Zen Money.And more!About Mara:Dr. Mara Linaberger believes that each of us has chosen to be here at this moment in time for a specific reason – that we are each on a mission that we chose for ourselves. And that figuring out what we love, what we’re good at, and how we can be of service, is the engine we need to fuel a lifetime of joyful learning. Mara also believes that school often slows down or stifles that excitement for students. So she is on a mission to create a global network of 100 micro-schools in the next 20 years – to harness education toward helping amazing children to develop their highest potentials, while making learning fun again!Mara is a life-long educator, author, technologist, artist, ballroom dancer and musician, having spent 25 years i
039 Your Energy Your Money
20/07/2020 Duration: 10minIn this episode, we discuss:How to use a little bit of time each week to make sure your financial wheels are turning smoothly.Why we find it so easy to lose track of our numbers.Steps you can take to focus your energy to grow your business and your financial world.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!I'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!And check out the Zen Money Quick Start Kit to learn what to do and when, and never miss another bookkeeping step with this
038 Laura Beauparlant - Behind the Brand
13/07/2020 Duration: 39minIn this episode, we discuss:Why having a robust contracting process can help clients see you as the better choice.The difference between branding and visual design, and how you can use both to grow.Laura's shift as a business owner in terms of her numbers, her confidence and her sense of well-being.Navigating relationships when you're both entrepreneurs.What Laura's version of Zen Money is and how we've worked together to achieve it.About Laura:Laura Beauparlant is an award-winning international keynote speaker, an expert on branding and design and the author of Brand Chemistry. As the founder and creative director of Lab Creative, her mission is to help ambitious entrepreneurs create strong, memorable brands that consistently attract their ideal clients. For over 16 years, Laura has helped countless small business owners and entrepreneurs gain confidence and grow their businesses through unforgettable brandingYou can connect with Laura online here!https://www.labcreative.ca
037 Planning for a Downturn
06/07/2020 Duration: 16minIn this episode, we discuss:How to use your numbers to make strategic decisions for your biz in a contracting economy.Focus on what's working well and cut anything that's not driving your primary business.Why this may be the best thing that's happened for you and your business in the long run.Ways to think about your financial flow that will help you stay profitable when the market gets tough.What will ultimately help you stay afloat in the next 2-3 years.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!I'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!And check out the Zen Money Quick Start Kit to learn what to do and when, and never miss another bookkeeping step with this
036 Emily Aborn - Building a Facebook Group
29/06/2020 Duration: 32minIn this episode, we discuss:Good practices for building a Facebook community.Distractions and how to keep your new ideas in line with your bigger goals.How to build your business from a financial cushion.Ways to build strong business relationships and network for the long-term.About Emily:Emily Aborn is a Marketing Professional and the owner of She Built This. She Built This is an organization helping women with resources and education to build and create whatever dream is inside of them.She has over ten years of experience working with executives and entrepreneurs in marketing, administrative, and customer service positions. She has owned her own business since 2014 and loves helping others discover what stories are inside of them and get their message out about how they are changing the world!She lives in Temple, NH with her husband Jason and their energetic (aka exhausting) dog, Clyde. When she is not working, she can be found outdoors hiking or walking. She loves cooking, playing games, good music, writin
035 Slow Growth vs Fast Growth
22/06/2020 Duration: 13minIn this episode, we discuss:Understanding the costs of slow growth vs fast growth in your business.Ways to think about your income in relation to your spending.Why we get antsy when it doesn't seem like we're growing fast enough (and how to manage it).Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to download my Zen Money Quick Start Kit to learn what to do and when, and never miss another bookkeeping step with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
034 Josh Haynam - Service vs Sales
15/06/2020 Duration: 41minIn this episode, we discuss:How Interact began.Ways to think about your business in order to grow.The difference between service and sales.How to differentiate yourself in a busy online space.And tons more!About Josh:Josh Haynam is the co-founder and CEO of Interact Quiz Builder, the world's leading platform for creating interactive quizzes used by more then 100,000 businesses around the world. He started interact with a friend in college and has built it with his team into a global brand.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
033 The Debt Trap
08/06/2020 Duration: 15minIn this episode, we discuss:Leveraging debt in your business.Ways to work on your debt as part of your cash flow equation.Why we get under water and how to create a debt snowball to redefine your financial reality.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
032 Harry Duran - Podcasts & Profits
01/06/2020 Duration: 40minIn this episode, we discuss:How Harry got started.Why it was easy to get into an uncomfortable financial situation.The benefits of getting help, even when it makes you a little nervous.Tips for leveraging your platforms (LinkedIn, etc.)Why podcasting is a great conversation tool for your business.And tons more!About Harry:Harry Duran is the Founder of FullCast, a full-service, done-for-you podcast production and marketing consultancy. He helps brands and high-performing entrepreneurs amplify their authority and extend their reach through the power of podcasting.As Host of the popular Podcast Junkies on iTunes since 2014, Harry has had conversations with over 215 interesting and engaging podcast personalities.Harry has spoken on stage about the importance of finding your voice and why long-term engagement with your podcast guests is key. Harry shares lessons learned from his first 25 interviews in his book, Around the Podcast Campfire.As a host, consultant and coach, Harry empowers others to amplify their auth
031 Are You A Serial Entrepreneur?
25/05/2020 Duration: 10minIn this episode, we discuss:Ways to ensure you're sticking with an idea long enough (but not too long).Why it's so difficult to maintain consistency, especially in the online space.How to identify your creative cycle and use it productively in your business.When to move on to something new without breaking your bank.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
030 Nikki McKnight - Building Your Back Office
18/05/2020 Duration: 31minIn this episode, we discuss:How to use one or two key metrics to track your progress (and not worry about the rest).The difference between leadership and management (and which you might want to focus on).Why some businesses seem successful from the outside but are a disaster on the inside.What you need to create (and keep) an engaged and excited team.About Nikki:Nikki McKnight has 13 years of experience working with companies to improve processes, drive communication and performance, and build a rockstar team. She’s worked with multi-billion dollar retailers, million dollar entrepreneurs, and startup boutiques looking to start off on the right foot. Nikki loves working with the artistic, creative, and spiritual personalities because she truly believes they will be the ones who will change the world for the better.Nikki loves cycling, pop culture podcasts, romance novels, and hanging with her dog, Riesling. Yes, like the wine.You can check out her website: Or connect with her online: Facebo
029 Mapping Your Strategery
14/05/2020 Duration: 13minIn this episode, we discuss:The three pillars of your financial house.How to engage directly in the planning process without feeling overwhelmed by it.What a successful business strategy actually looks like (hint: it's a living process).When to worry and who to go to for help.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
028 A Decision-Maker's Mindset
11/05/2020 Duration: 10minIn this episode, we discuss:The split-second decision-making process we all enact (it's a human thing).How a common money-mindset decision-making loop can hold you back.What a confident & strategic decision looks like and how you can change your thought process to be financial successful.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
027 Mastering Your Cash Flow
07/05/2020 Duration: 12minIn this episode, we discuss:Why we often get caught short with our cash when things appear to be going well.How to give your money jobs to do so your business is humming.A time-tested exercise that will help you stay laser-focused on your cash and how to navigate those down times.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
026 Paying Yourself First
04/05/2020 Duration: 14minIn this episode, we discuss:The primary reason entrepreneurs & small business owners have trouble knowing how to pay themselves well.How to break down your numbers so you know exactly how much is just right to pull out of your biz without breaking your bank.Different approaches to the "pay yourself" question and how to get completely clear for your particular situation.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREEZen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
025 Setting Pricing That Sings!
30/04/2020 Duration: 20minIn this episode, we discuss:The issues with time-for-dollars pricing models.How to set your pricing to ensure your business is secure.Setting yourself up for success with a coherent & cohesive pricing structure.Ways to you can grow your business quickly & with ease without leaving dollars on the table!Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
024 Building Financial Clarity
27/04/2020 Duration: 15minIn this episode, we discuss:Why we feel a disconnect between our business finances and our big dreams.How the Zen Money concept came about.A tried & true goal-setting exercise Liz uses with all her clients.Ways to tie your money goals to your daily decisions so you can thrive!Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
023 Welcome Back to Zen Money Monday!
23/04/2020 Duration: 10minIn this episode, we discuss..Why seeing a direct connection between our money goals and the reality we see coming into our bank accounts is so difficult.The 5 business management pillars and how we can use your finances as a lens to view the health of your biz.How important it is to successfully navigate your cash flow so you can give back as an entrepreneur.What you can expect from the show going forward.Reach out to me at if you have any questions!And be sure to check out my brand new FREE Zen Money Mastery 7-Day Workshop Series to learn 6 critical ways for your business to thrive, with this'd love to hear from you! To submit a review of this podcast, just visit this link and walk through the super easy steps to let us know what you think: in advance for your feedback!
022 Jodi Flynn - Good Enough
30/09/2019 Duration: 50min00:46 – Introducing today’s guest, Jodi Flynn 01:53 – Jodi’s entrepreneurial journey 03:09 – Dealing with Golden Handcuffs 05:00 – Travelling the uncertain path 08:17 – Transitioning from account management to coaching 09:36 – The decision to work with women specifically 13:27 – Jodi’s approach to coaching women 15:52 – Overcoming stress, fear, and misconceptions 18:38 – Common issues Jodi has observed from her clients 20:44 – Good enough 23:19 – Jodi speaks to the culture of Type-A Personality 25:27 – The importance of being in tune with yourself 27:14 – Where Jodi got her entrepreneurial spirit 30:34 – Jodi talks about the challenging aspects of starting her own business33:35 – The importance of self-care 35:40 – Jodi’s hopes for future growth within her business 39:34 – Jodi reflects on what she loves most about running her business40:44 – Fighting the negative voice in our head 47:28 – What Zen Money means to Jodi48:14 – Where listeners can follow JodiSound Bites:“I have that dream big gene, I guess.” (02
021 Amber Swenor - Rooted in Authenticity
23/09/2019 Duration: 38min00:49 – Introducing today’s guest, Amber Swenor01:25 – Amber’s entrepreneurial journey03:40 – Overcoming fears to open your own business08:45 – How Amber curated her business prior to launch10:06 – Launching her business, Strategic Partners Marketing11:33 – Transitioning to helping a larger audience on different platforms13:25 – Amber speaks to the most challenging aspects of growing her business16:44 – The importance of honesty and transparency19:15 – Learning to become a project manager25:06 – The value of learning from past mistakes26:13 – Amber discusses the efforts she put into Impact Academy29:02 – Revisiting short-term, mid-term and long-term goals of her companies35:18 – What Zen Money means to Amber36:22 – Where listeners can follow AmberSound Bites:“One of my mentors says, ‘Iterate as you go,’ and I live by that.” (07:18)“We strive to work with people that are passionate about being their best. And I didn’t want us to be bound and limited by only working with those mission-driven entrepreneurs that