Career Advantage [russian Edition]: Real-world Applications From Great Work, Great Career

  • Author: Stephen R. Covey
  • Narrator: Alexey Muzhitskii
  • Publisher: AB Publishing
  • Duration: 1:43:32


The New York Times best-selling author and co-author of Great Work, Great Career shares the secrets of getting and keeping the job you want. This audio program teaching you how to create your ultimate job and make an extraordinary contribution includes the following:
You'll learn the importance of becoming a solution, not a problem to an organization. Discover how to start making the contribution you'd like to make by focusing on your talents, passion, and conscience. This audio also provides tips on how to network in a way that leads to success in both becoming more employable, and in advancing your career.
Learn elements to help you create an effective resume covering five main elements: resume dos, including the top requirements for a great resume, how to write a highly targeted resume and then get it in the hands of a person who can make a decision, and finally, cover letters. By the end of the audio, you'll have a good draft of your resume and all the information you need.

