Great Russian author Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883) was an avid hunter and nature lover and used his own experiences in the woods of his native Russia to pen A HUNTER'S...
В театре шёл бенефис трагика Феногенова. В спектакле «Князь Серебряный» бенефициант выступал в...
Кирджали был родом булгар. Кирджали на турецком языке значит витязь, удалец. Настоящего его имени...
If you do not already know what to eat on Mars, how to cork the summer in bottles and why you need to read books, then you have no idea about Ray Bradbury. And this need to be...
Any language is constantly changing, living its own separate life. The language spoken on the streets of cities, in offices or cafes, is very different from the model that is...
If something is not going well in life, although you are trying hard, think about it. Maybe you are hindered by an invisible enemy? It is difficult to detect, because it hides in...
The history of the application of Lean-technologies - the so-called lean manufacturing technologies - has been around for several decades.Despite this, everywhere, especially in...
Look at your life from the outside. Are you satisfied with everything? Perhaps you would like to achieve more in this life, but do not know how?Mahatma Gandhi once said: "If you...
Malcolm Gladwell, the #1 bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, and What the Dog Saw, offers his most provocative---and dazzling---book yet.Three thousand years...
The New York Times best-selling author and co-author of Great Work, Great Career shares the secrets of getting and keeping the job you want. This audio program teaching you how to...