(NGEBAHAS COMMON THOUGHTS)Fikas random common thoughts. Open for discuss.
Catatan seorang tukang ledeng yang lagi belajar koding. Banyak programmer / developer jago yang bikin podcast. Kalau yang baru belajar ngoding belum ada nih. Makanya podcast ini...
Aim to be an Indonesia Sustainable Fashion Network. Inspire each other, do an actual action, and gain knowledge together
I love to share about how to build your early professional career, how to understand your aspiration, and to unleash the best version of yourself.Ssttt.. I will invite...
Cerita cerita dan sudut pandang seorang wanita dengan keresahan yang mendalam karena hidup
Started by two ENFPa Korean drama addict Shinta Dewi and a foodpreneur slash tarot reader Faid Nawawi, Terserah Kita podcast is a daily convo that talks about anything cross their...
Siniar dari pekerja seni di Jakarta, yang (mungkin) masih terjebak mengejar passion. Akan diterbitkan seminggu sekali.
Rethinking money . Imagine you meet up with your friends in a Sunday chill afternoon , and they give you new ideas about investment in a fun way . Now imagine that's actually a...