A cocktail mixing book covering all classic cocktails from absinthe based American Service to elegant brandy and champagne based cocktails such as Champagne Frappe or Bronx,...
The Italian Cookery Book: The Art Of Eating Well
A book of practical recipes of the Italian cuisine including all traditional Italian soups, pastas, risotto, many meat and vegetable dishes followed by pastries, sweets, frozen...
Sugar Detox: How To Stop Sugar Cravings, Lose Weight And Lower Blood Sugar
Sugar Detox Made EasyAre you struggling with sugar cravings?Recent studies show that sugar is as addictive as drugs such as heroin and cocaine. You may have a sugar addiction...
Girly Drinks: A World History Of Women And Alcohol
“At last, the feminist history of booze we’ve been waiting for!” —Amy Stewart, author of The Drunken BotanistFrom Los Angeles Times bestselling author...