Just thoughts on what we see, hear and read.
Michael J. Szanto
Michael Szanto is a Economic and Foreign Policy Analyst. He discusses current global issues.
Sunday Extra - Full Program Podcast
Sunday Extra is RNs live Sunday morning broadcast, looking to the week ahead and also incorporating Ockhams Razor, Background Briefing, and First Dog on the Moon.
Liberalt Samtal
Tre liberaler från Trollhättan diskuterar inför Liberalernas landsmöte 2017. Programledare är Madeléne Persson-Lilja, Marcus Larinen och Julia Carmelina Johansson.
Wilshire & Washington
Wilshire & Washington explores the intersection of politics, entertainment and new media. Inspired by co-host Ted Johnson's Variety blog, the weekly Blog Talk Radio program...
Examining Politics
A daily look at the latest twist and turns in politics from the newsroom of the Washington Examiner.
Straight Shooting
I have been called a "straight shooter" for years. With my conservative politics, Christian values, blogging, newspaper column, and the willingness to say what is needed, you get...