'Brambles Wreaks Havoc in the Village' is the twenty-fifth individual Pete the Bee story written by British author Paul Cook. The stories are centered around the rescue farm where...
'Greggor the Goose and the Missing Cabbages' is the ninth of twenty individual Pete the Bee stories written by British author Paul Cook. The stories are centred around the rescue...
'Claridge The Cat Takes A Tumble' is the eighteenth of twenty individual Pete the Bee stories written by British author Paul Cook. The stories are centred around the rescue farm...
Do love to hear Butterflies Crickets and Birds ? In the audio book all three are here for your listening pleasure. At some point in your day you have to wind down. This natural...
Doolittle is a sweet dog with a yawning problem. His family tried everything to stop the yawning because it's contagious. Everywhere Doolittle goes, he yawns and makes others yawn...
The story is about a little girl and her caterpillar friend. As the butterfly grows and discovers its beauty, so does the little girl. This is a positive story about the beauty in...
Reading Group Guide forSaucy By Cynthia KadohataAbout the Book As the oldest in a set of quadruplets, Becca doesn’t feel like she plays any special role in her family. One...
Do you think that normal training sessions can be difficult? Teaching the dog to sit, stay, down, come and heel all require weeks of dedicated effort on the part of you and your...
Young Larry doesn’t have many friends and is often the subject of cruel taunts from his peers. But one day, he encounters an injured cat that shows him the true meaning of...
'Pete the Bee: Books 1-8: Forty Stories' is a collection of 40 short stories taken from the first eight story books in the 'Pete the Bee' series written by British author, Paul...