A boy learns to face his fear of monsters after discovering that monsters are afraid of his baby sister. Inspired by a child’s imagination, this children’s story published by...
Zombie Villager and his best buddy Sebastian are about to go on the adventure of a lifetime – literally. Under the counsel of the Carlisle Shadowvale, founder of the city and...
Audio dramatisations of classic children's stories, performed by kids, for kids! A rich audio tapestry of music, sound effects and a full cast of talented children, creating a...
Welcome to Foo -- a fantastic realm that allows mankind to hope, imagine, and dream. "There are many kinds of secrets, but all secrets are much more interesting if whispered....
Set in the world of the Newbery Honor-winning Ella Enchanted, this tale by beloved author Gail Carson Levine stars a clever heroine who is determined to defy expectations—and...
After a fun-filled day, it’s time to snuggle in and dream the night away! Help your little ones wind down before bed with seven stories from the bestselling Night Night series....
A group of kids must stop invaders before they take over Titus—and the rest of the universe—in this first book in a brand-new series from bestselling Pegasus author...
Experience the whimsy, charm and magic of the Celtic imagination in this captivating collection of timeless stories that have enchanted generations of youngsters and adults.Among...
From the author of the New York Times bestselling ghostgirl series, the start to a dark and thrilling trilogy about three girls who become entangled with an enigmatic boy....
Oh, the Sly King, the Sly King, in his towers of ash and wind.Pikey Thomas doesn't know how or why he can see the changeling girl. But there she is. Not in the cold, muddy...