"The Mysterious Card" is a mysterious story written and published by Cleveland Moffett in 1895. His sequel was titled "The Card Unveiled".Both stories are...
In the title story, a young matron from a convalescent home is found dead in a quiet Maida Vale street. The Daily Telegraph ran an article headed “Murder or Suicide”...
EMILY LITTLEJOHN was born and raised in southern California and now lives in Colorado. If she’s not writing, reading, or working at the local public library, she’s...
EMILY LITTLEJOHN was born and raised in southern California. A former librarian, she now spends her time writing, raising a family, and working in city government in the Denver...
Chapter OneThe battered white van had made her uneasy.Lara Gibson sat at the bar of Vesta's Grill on De Anza in Cupertino, California, gripping the cold stem of her martini glass...
In The Angel Of Darkness, Caleb Carr brings back the vivid world of his bestselling The Alienist but with a twist: this story is told by the former street urchin Stevie Taggert,...
A CIA chief dies under suspicious circumstances before he can testify about a controversial government cover-up involving a terrorist attack on the US mission in Chechnya. Butch...
From Mary Higgins Clark, America's bestselling "Queen of Suspense," comes a chilling story of murder that reaches the heights of suspense while exploring the depths of the...
The acclaimed bestselling novel about spies in "The War on Terror"—now a major motion picture starring Philip Seymour Hoffman in one of his final roles. The film, coming in...
From 1939 to 1946 Americans gathered around the radio to listen to The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes-featuring Basil Rathbone as the high-strung crime-solver and Nigel Bruce...