In this crime mystery, when Police Officer Danny Garcia and his partner get a call for a disturbance of the peace, they have no idea of the surprise in store for them. Danny has...
A child prodigy becomes an international celebrity at the young age of four through his obsession with knife sharpening.A man discovers that the food scraps he's been tossing...
This prequel to Bitter Endings finds Ellis discovering an intense attraction for another woman, Katie. As they spend time together becoming friends it is hard to fight the heat...
The mob is demanding answers, and they want them now. A ferryboat captain wants his missing daughter found. An oil company executive is in danger. Will Private Eye Sean...
Charles King (October 12, 1844 in Albany, New York – March 17, 1933 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was a United States soldier and a distinguished writer. King was the son of...
"Catriona" (also known as David Balfour) is a novel written in 1893 by Robert Louis Stevenson as a sequel to his earlier novel "Kidnapped".This novel is an ode...
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens) is a novel by James Matthew Barrie published in 1906. In Kensington Gardens there is a Lake, the Serpentine,...
Huntingtower is a novel written by John Buchan in 1922. The first of his three Dickson McCunn books, it is set near Carrick in south-west Scotland around 1920. The hero is a...
“Dylan Kane leaves James Bond in his dust!”USA TODAY and BARNES & NOBLE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR • “A MASTER STORYTELLER” • OVER 800,000 BOOKS...
Charles King (October 12, 1844 in Albany, New York – March 17, 1933 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was a United States soldier and a distinguished writer. King was the son of...