A tale of romance and adventure, sweeping through the heart of the fabulous Mongol Empire to the golden land of Far Cathay. The story of how Walter followed Maryam to the fabled...
Colliding on the path to catch a killer…Special Agent Taylor Carrigan takes “control freak” to the extreme. Her need for structured rigidity rules her life—and her job at...
Detective Pete Crane catches a new shooting case and considers it business-as-usual. But when the lead witness is the Chief of Police’s fiery assistant, he never anticipated...
"Sarah Baxter wants more than anything to be with Tyler Corrigan. And he definitely wants to marry her. But family is too important to Sarah to for her to do it if his parents...
Elijah paced back and forth across the office of Owen Clarke—his lawyer. He felt like an animal caught in the headlights, just waiting for the inevitable blow that would crush...
Lee Clavering, a young playwright falls in love with an Austrian countess, not noticing the adoring glances from the outgoing flapper, Janet. Unknown to the young lover, the...
Tylan must have read my mind and he grabbed me by the hips and hauled me to the edge of the desk. One thrust had him deep inside me. I gripped his forearms and wrapped my legs...
"Sarah Baxter made the only choice she could when she ended things with sexy billionaire Tyler Corrigan.At least she learned something from the experience—that she’s not a...
7 Military Romance Stories!!Story 1: Her Soldier BoyStory 2: The Lieutenants MusicianStory 3: Saving SarahStory 4: Into the CrossfireStory 5: In the Place We Both LoveStory 6:...
“Hey Stace. Take a look at this. It’s right up your alley.” I glanced up from my book at my roommate Emma, who was holding a newspaper. “What is it?” ...