A groundbreaking approach to healing from trauma and experiencing posttraumatic growth from a leading psychologist, featuring a powerful, five-stage framework to help readers not...
The celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of our Institute is an exceptional occasion to bring to light this document The Marist Evangelizing Action in Higher...
Empowering Brain for Success Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Champion's Mind and Thinking ClearlyDo you want to be known as someone with a “champion’s” personality, a personthat...
A deep journey through the origins of the Dragon Dreaming method and philosophy and other contributions in Regenerative Education and co-learning processesIn A Pérola do Dragão,...
In "The Interpretation of Dreams", Freud demonstrates that every dream carries a meaning related to the fulfillment of desires. These desires, sublimated in our waking life, are...
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and important psychologist. He is considered the father of psychoanalysis, which significantly influenced contemporary social...
The Professors' Guide to Getting Good Grades in College is the first book to reveal the insider secrets about how professors really grade. The book offers high-value, practical...
Radically simple experimental tools to help anyone tap into a high-energy brain state to fire up innovative potential and shape their lives with intention—by the...
The author of the “must read” (NPR) Rage Becomes Her presents a powerful manifesto for communal resilience based on in-depth investigations into history, social...
When parents are told their child has a learning disability, they need more information. Thinking Differently is just the resource to meet that need. David Flink, leader of Eye to...