Thriving Stylist Podcast

#265 - How to Be Self-Aware in Your Business



Self-awareness and accountability go hand-in-hand, which is why in this episode, I want to break down the types of self-awareness, what they mean, and how you can learn to cultivate internal and external awareness. Why is this so important, you may ask? When you are both internally and externally self-aware, that’s where true joy comes from. I encourage you to really think hard about how you’re showing up and who you want to be, and start asking these powerful questions to help you on your own journey of self-awareness!  If you have a question for me that you’d like answered in a future episode, a great way to do that is to head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I’m looking forward to doing more of these types of episodes on the podcast! If you’re not already following us, @thethrivingstylist, what are you waiting for? This is where I share pro tips every single week, along with winning strategies, testimonials, and amazing breakthroughs from my audience. You’re not goin