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How to Create a Culture of Wellbeing Around Yourself



There are few things more fundamentally important than our health and wellbeing. When we have it, we take it for granted. However, when we're told there's a problem or when we aren't feeling well, it's all we can think about.Wellbeing has become even more of a focus since the pandemic because of the experiences we all had over the last 2 years. Mental health has suffered. We've neglected to take care of ourselves and chronic conditions are worsening. Yet, we see many people making professional decisions to help guard the lifestyle they had during the pandemic - particularly if it helped them make positive changes in their health and wellbeing.It's a lot to think about, so we brought in an expert.Laura Putnam, MA, author of the award-winning Workplace Wellness That Works, is CEO and founder of Motion Infusion, a leading well-being provider. Her work has been covered by MSNBC, The New York Times, FOX News, ABC News, US News & World Report, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and NPR. She