Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

Achieving Peak Performance (without Burnout)



What does it mean for you to "perform well" or "win" today? Have you ever stopped to consider that? One more question, as a high-achieving person or a top-performing person, have you ever stopped to consider times when it might be ok for you to show up intentionally looking to achieve at a B+ level?These questions sound like heresy when we put them in the context of our traditional, high-pressure professional world. However, as we've learned from the pandemic and from some very high-profile athletes more recently, no one, even high achievers, is infallible.If you are a human being with a body and a mind, you have limits. You have needs. And, you simply can not perform at 150% all the time. And today, we're speaking with an expert who will help us sort through all of that.Today's guest is Lauren Ammon. She is a certified coach who works with athletes of all levels. She helps people acknowledge and recognize their own humanity. She helps people create as much psychological and emotio