Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0322 | The Super Power of Psychological Flexibility with Diana Hill



There are a few things I hear from clients more often than anything else. "How do I move forward when I'm afraid?" or "How do I stop my inner critic?" or "I feel stuck in my old ways and am having a hard time changing." These complaints may sound like big, difficult problems, and they definitely feel that way when you're the one experiencing them. But, the antidote to each and every one of them is one foundational concept: psychological flexibility.Psychological flexibility is a concept that has risen in the field of psychology over the past decade or so, spearheaded by the work of Dr. Steven Hayes, the founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Today, we're speaking with another practitioner of ACT and psychological flexibility, Dr. Diana Hill. In this conversation, we talk about what psychological flexibility is, and how it applies to so many different situations in our lives.We have a particularly deep conversation about how it applies in situations where we're st