Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0184 | Designing Your Life for Happiness



One of the really cool things that Psychology has to offer is its ability to help us understand our own behavior.   I mean, why is it that some behaviors or habits are relatively easy for us to adopt, while we struggle with others? Why do some behaviors feel more “authentic” to us, while others feel more fake?   What underlies all of that? And, more importantly, how can we use it to our advantage?  That is exactly what we’re talking about this week as we chat with Amy Bucher. Amy holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and Undergraduate degree in Psychology from Harvard. She’s the author of the book “Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change,” and she is the go-to expert for how to use psychology in the design process. She uses her expertise in her role at the design firm Mad*Pow.  I stumbled upon Amy and her work in a weekly behavioral design email I’m subscribed to, and I instantly knew I had to get her on the podcast. I knew she’d make a great guest, and wow did she deliver!  In her episode we covered some