Movieing On - Movies From 1999 Or Earlier

Movieing On #254: The Mighty



In an episode to go down in history not for the greatness of the movie or the amazing discussion that is sparked by it, the four hosts of Movieing On sit down for one last time in this particular constellation to talk about The Mighty, a movie about an introverted boy with some version of PTSD who later grows up to become Daredevil's best friend, but who first befriends a wisecracking boy with Morquio Syndrome. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder if the accent coach was asleep on the job. Mostly, you'll smile and enjoy the movie, however. It's sweet. Show notes and links: The Mighty (1998) - Full Cast & Crew ( Freak the Mighty - Wikipedia ( Morquio syndrome - Wikipedia ( The Mighty Movie Review & Film Summary (1998) ( Movieing On #34: Strange Days ( - Listen back to the early days of 2013, the first episode that Dr. Toerag graced with his presence. How much we've all grown since then.