Thriving Stylist Podcast

#270 - Pricing for the Market Shifts as a Hair Stylist



Last week on the podcast, I talked about all the different pricing structures that exist in the industry and how to know what’s best for you, and I want to continue the discussion. Today, I share about an emerging fourth pricing structure (which I am not a fan of, and you’ll hear why!), because I believe it needs to be talked about and a lot of people just aren’t discussing it.  Even though our industry is not easy to survive in and the turnover rate is high, you’re going to keep getting even stiffer competition, no matter how you slice it. Having clear messaging is so critical, and in this episode, I reveal how you can build your worth and perceived value as you navigate these market shifts in order to really stand out in the crowd!     If you have a question for me that you’d like answered in a future episode, a great way to do that is to head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I’m looking forward to doing more of these types of episodes on the podcast! If you’re not al