The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Five Things You Must Do to Have an Effective Weekly Planning Session | Donald Kelly - 1652



Do you know that feeling you get when you spend some time planning out the week ahead? It’s that sense of peace that lets us know we’re going to achieve our goals and nothing is going to get missed. Planning seriously increases our productivity, so why aren’t we all taking the time to do this at the beginning of each week? Whether you just can’t seem to find the time or you don’t know how to get started, Donald is here to help. Take out your Google Calendar or your favorite scheduler and let’s get to it!  How to Make the Most of Your Weekly Planning Session Define your purpose for the week. Take a second to decide what you’re trying to accomplish this week. Look at your key performance indicators (KPIs), and make a plan for how you’re going to reach those things.  Plan activities accordingly. Decide what things are going to go on your calendar based on your KPIs. Highlight the “money generating activities” you do each day, and fill your day with those activities first. Put in your recurring meeting