Project Freelance

Vero - True Social | What Is It | How To Use It



This app will give creators the opportunity to actually reach their audience, without being drowned by ads or getting fucked from analytics. This means not only will your followers and friends be sent your post WHEN you post it, but you can also sell things through the app, without your users having to first click through an advertisement, or go to your "link in bio." Let's face it, we are all sick of saying that, so thanks Vero for making this app! Haha By giving artists and creators the ability to sell to their audience directly, means that we will have higher sale rates. It's a no brainer. So, everyone, calm down and check that box for those terms and conditions that you didn't actually even care to read, and join us on Vero. Find me K Enagonio.  For classes/booking: Get Socialistic with me: