Project Freelance

Become The Best Freelancer Around! | Photo | Video



Project Freelance started as an idea; how can we geek out and talk about what we love to do and maybe get people to join in on the conversation? ​ I wanted to start this with my best friend, but unfortunately we haven't had much luck thus far, so I decided to take a stab at it and see if I can even get people interested in this. ​ So here we are, podcasting. I know as freelancers we always pick up and put down ideas. We try things until something sticks and we either invest more into it, or move on to the next idea. Well, here's what I propose: I talk, you listen, we both grow and learn from each other. Sound good? Good.  I am new to the world of podcasting, so we will see where this takes us. Hopefully you guys get something out of it. Oh,'s FREEEEEEEE --- Send in a voice message: