Talk Nerdy To Me

Return of Blockbuster, The Mandalorian, Power Rangers, John Wick 4, and El Paso Comic Con



Joey and Troy wax poetic about nerdy topics like Blockbuster teasing a come back, the latest episode of The Mandalorian, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always movie, John Wick 4, and the upcoming El Paso Comic Con. We also learn there is a radio station fairy that leaves Joey gifts in his office. SUBSCRIBE to watch more videos like this one! LET'S CONNECT! -- Zia Comics website -- Zia Comics TikTok -- Zia Comics Facebook -- Zia Comics Twitter -- Zia Comics Instagram LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST! - iTunes #ziacomics #lascruces #newmexico #nerdcast #elpasocomiccon #mandalorian #johnwick #powerrangers #morphin #mandalorian #blockbuster