Getting Things Done

Ep. 201: David Allen in Conversation with Kevin Wilde



David Allen has reconnected with Kevin Wilde, for a discussion about learning, leadership, and coachability. Kevin describes how he heard about GTD, and his success with making it a part of the culture at General Mills. His mission in the last few years has been to dive deeper into the science and practical application of leadership coachability. He has found that leaders who plateau below their potential have one thing in common: They stop seeking feedback so they can improve. You can find out more about Kevin's current work on on the coachability of leaders on his website, The Coachable Leader. And you can listen to David's 2007 conversation with Kevin, during his time as Chief Learning Officer for General Mills. You can listen to the entire conversation from July 2020 at GTD Connect®. -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free produc