Kid Don't Kill My Vibe: A Parent Podcast

Better Speech - Lenora Edwards



We're chatting all about speech today! Thrilled to have a great guest on - she's a Speech Therapist and she gives us lots of great insight and advice on speech and everything that goes along with it - the milestones, things to look for and much more. Tune into Kid Don't Kill My Vibe! @kiddontkillmyvibe Sponsor Spotlight: HIYA Meet Hiya - a daily children's multivitamin with 12 organic fruits & veggies and zero added SUGAR. While many other vitamins are candy in disguise. Hiya has zero added sugar, preservatives, dyes, and gummy junk and delivers a cleaner, better option for kids. For a limited time your first order is just $15! (a $15 savings) And shipping is FREE! BEV WINE Made by chicks BEV is a canned wine brand with 6 varieties of delicious wine including Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Rose, "Glitz" Sparkling White and "Glam" Sparkling Rose. Visit and use the code KIDVIBE at checkout to receive 20% off you
