The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

How to Generate Pipeline During a Challenging Economy | Alex Levin - 1663



You can’t control the changes that are currently happening with the economy, or the changes that are to come. What matters is how you respond in each moment. If you’re not sure how to approach selling in the current economy, fear not – our guest today brings the knowledge and experience that has helped him find great success in his business. Alex Levin is the Co-Founder and CEO of, and he’s here today to sit down with your host Donald Kelly. Together, they share the wisdom that can get you through a tough period in the market and even help you see it as an opportunity for growth.  4 Tips for Success During Challenging Economic Times Invest in your craft. If you have enjoyed the luxury of a fairly passive sales experience during the last couple of years, now is the time to shift gears. Get better educated on how you can take a more active role in selling, rather than taking orders and filling them. Learn to create urgency. People get used to the way things are, and during a time when they’r