Felger & Massarotti

Mac Jones’ Future // Jimmy’s Quarterback Tiers // Final Word (Hour 4)



(0:00) James Stewart and Tim McKone in for Felger and Mazz discuss Mac Jones' future and his place on the Patriots.(13:09) Jimmy gives his QB tiers and takes Patriot phone calls. (23:09) Jimmy and McKone take your final calls and look at different QBs for the Patriots.(34:31) Final word.CONNECT WITH FELGER & MAZZ https://www.instagram.com/felgerandmassarotti https://twitter.com/FelgerAndMazz https://www.facebook.com/felgerandmassarotti https://www.instagram.com/985thesportshub https://twitter.com/985thesportshub https://www.facebook.com/985TheSportsHub