Human Resources For Small Business

HR's Role in Transforming the Employee Experience with Hareta McMullin



Sit down with Hareta McMullin, founder of Third Space People, and dive into a discussion on the misconceptions and challenges facing HR and what it takes to transform the employee experience. It’s time to reject outdated approaches to HR and take real steps toward building trust with the people you lead.   TAKEAWAYS Employees often see HR professionals as rule-loving and unapproachable people who are disconnected from the workforce. By managing the perception gap and addressing employee needs, HR professionals can create an environment where people willingly share concerns, enabling them to address challenges and retain valuable talent. Policies and procedures are important, but if we're leading the employee experience with that, we're telling our people that we don't trust them from the outset. We need to take a serious look at how HR policies and procedures are embedded in and support the culture. When we trust, involve, and empower leaders, changes can be rolled out successfully. To understand