Nion Radio With Nick Onken

222: Burning Religion and the Witches with Rev. Briana Lynn



“Our greatest joy comes when we are giving our purpose for the highest good of the most people that we can.” - Rev. Briana Lynn Today I talk with Reverend Briana Lynn about the journey of getting to a place of self-expression. Briana is a coach, mentor, and ceremonialist and the Founder of the Orgasmic Oracle Mystery School. We talk about treating ourselves like a piece of art and how to use our angst as fuel. We also touch on the ideas of bottling of our ecstasy and mastering energy. Listen to this episode to learn more about burning witches, unraveling religion from society and culture, and how to avoid the pitfalls of leadership. You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And please leave me a Rating and Review! “The more I stepped away from the church, the more hungry I was for spirituality and actual experiences of God.” - Rev. Briana Lynn Some things we learn in this podcast: Briana’s journey [6:17] What is Briana’s work [11:24] How do people get in the way of their full
