

Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  What is Control? How does it effect you? When you let go of resisting or reacting or aligning and agreeing, you can then change the insane points of view (of which many are hidden or underlying) that created our limitations in the first place. You are invited to let your mind go and welcome the space of possibilities! Rachel Silber is a wonderer, a wanderer, a fa-silly-tator and facilitator of Possibilities, a speaker, author, change-maker, friend, wife and mom. She’s been facilitating with the Access Consciousness tools since 2011 and is grateful for every moment with the weird and wacky tools she loves so much! Everything can change when we’re ready to see what is .... and ask for what we’d like. What are the infinite possibilities? ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we c