Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Break The Chains Before They Break You



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  It’s been an incredibly hard few years on all of humanity, it’s now time to break the chains before they break you. Do you have a longing to break the chains that have held you captive in your roles? Then this show is absolutely for you. I have been inundated with messages from spirit, and from clients about breaking free, claiming freedom and moving ahead with the actual work that they came here to do on this gorgeous blue planet in the Milky Way. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you personally and your mission, breaking chains, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into thrival. It’s bigger than you and your chains, this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape to freedom, and have way more health, wealth and happiness everywhere…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever