Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Lyrics On Waking – Pay Attention To The Messages ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Did you know that you are always connected? We’re connected to whatever “source” you believe in, the spiritual world, our loved ones, angels, and guides, and the beautiful thing is that they send us messages. We just have to learn how to hear them. These messages can be providing support or guidance or simply letting us know that we are loved. For a time, Jackie woke up hearing specific song lyrics in her mind. These messages gave her hope and helped her understand her direction and her purpose. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “Lyrics on Waking – Pay Attention to the Messages”, where she will share about how your connection to your higher power is always available and if you pay attention, you can receive the messages they’re sending. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a uni