Veterans Radio




Ian A. O’Connor is a retired USAF colonel and a recognized expert in the field of national security management. This background serves him well as the foundation for his thriller and suspense novels, which is what he devotes his time to now. Ian is about to release The Pegasus Directive, which focuses on who really killed President John F. Kennedy and all the fiendish machinations behind the assassination. The book is fiction, but full of historical accuracy. Ian is also the co-author of SCRAPPY: A Memoir of a Fighter Pilot in Korea and Vietnam. And his thriller, The Twilight of the Day, was awarded a bronze medal by the Military Writers Society of America. Copies of both of these are in the US Naval Academy and US Air Force Academy libraries.  2023 THUNDER OVER MICHIGAN  Kevin Walsh,CEO of the Yankee Air Museum, fills us in on all there is to know about​​​ the 25th Yankee Air Museum event known as Thunder Over Michigan will be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 12 and 13th. There are 2 shows each day –