Ask Win

Win Charles interviews Codi and Jen Mendenhall on Cerebral Palsy



Ask Win: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT:   On Ask Win today (Sunday, January 3, 2021), Best-Selling Author, Win C welcomes Jen and Codi Mendenhall. Codi Mendenhall is a vibrant and adventurous 14 year old.  She also has Cerebral Palsy.  She is enthusiastic about becoming an entrepreneur.  Codi loves anything to do with technology and educating others about how technology helps her be more independent.  Codi uses a communication device to talk and a wheelchair to get around, but neither slows her down! Codi enjoys skiing, boating, riding our tandem recumbent trike and anything that requires adrenaline.  She is creative, loves music, playing Roblox and making Tik Tok videos.  We were presenters at the TEDx2020 talk in Grand Junction CO., talking about Codi and her tech