Ask Win

Win Charles interviews Greg Wooley on poetry



Ask Win: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT:   On Ask Win today (Thursday, December 17, 2020), Best-Selling Author, Win C welcomes Greg Wooley. Greg is the writer of the Rise and Shine Poetry series and believes that poetry is the language of the heart and the whispers of the soul. His poems are his love letters to, from and for God and God’s children.  He writes in a melodic, rhythmic, rhyming verse. Greg Wooley is a person in long term recovery from alcoholism and he has a passion for helping others who are struggling with alcoholism and addiction. His dream is to help heal our young people who are feeling hopeless in the grips of substance use disorder by helping to fund a recovery school in every county in Florida.  To that end, he is cofounder and Chairman of the Bo