Ask Win

Win Charles interviews Arthur Mitchell on Keratoconus



Ask Win: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT:   On Ask Win today (Thursday, October 15, 2020), Best-Selling Author, Win C welcomes Arthur Mitchell. At the age of 6, Art Mitch was diagnosed with an eye disease called Keratoconus. Keratoconus is an eye disease that presses on your pupil causing blurriness to your vision. When most children's only concern at that age was playing, he was trying to make sure he could see the world normal. Growing up with this disease was not an easy task. Art Mitch dealt with being bullied because nobody knew of this disease that he was dealing with. As the years passed he was introduced to a procedure that could possibly help his vision called Corneal Transplants. Art Mitch had 7 eye surgeries to correct his vision.  Art took his pain an