The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

032: Boom! Brant Pitre Totally Crushes Gospel Skeptics



Let's start with two simple, yet crucial questions: "Do you trust the Bible?" and "Do you believe Jesus is God?" Many of you are thinking, "Of course, Matt!" Even so, you certainly know a lot of people in our post-Christian world who don't agree. They're skeptics. And there are a lot of people seeking to create more of them. In fact, some people who spend their professional lives studying the Gospels go around making wild claims about Jesus and the Gospels that just don't pass historical muster: claims such as “We can’t trust the Gospels because we don't have any idea who wrote them," or "Jesus never claimed to be divine." It's crazy! And the awful thing is, they’re using shoddy "historical" arguments to destroy the faith of a lot of Catholics, and people don’t even realize it. They trumpet their “scientific” findings and somberly declare that the Gospels don't stand up to careful scrutiny and call into question Christ’s claims. But it's a sham. Their positions are full of holes so big you could drive a truck