The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

010: How To Share Your Faith With Anyone! – Terry Barber



Do you consider yourself an evangelist? Can you easily share the Catholic faith with others? Does the phrase "New Evangelization" conjure up images of people knocking on your door? Even if your answers were "No." "No." "Yes.", you can relax...but not too much! My guest on this edition is Terry Barber, founder and President of St. Joseph Communications, and founder and chairman of Lighthouse Catholic Media. Many regard him to be the godfather of Catholic apologetics and evangelization in the United States. In fact, if you've ever listened to a Catholic cd featuring someone like Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, or a host of other speakers, odds are it's because of Terry Barber.  As you're going to see, this guy is a fireball. And he's got a lot of practical tips and advice for how anyone - even a wallflower - can effectively share the faith. No joke. In fact, he’s got a new book out titled – “How To Share Your Faith With Anyone – A Practical Manual for Catholic Evangelization”. We all know people who have fallen away o