

Who is Thomas Anderson? Better still, who is Thomas Anderson to write a book on vulnerability? I ask this question during my conversation with him on this episode of the podcast. Do vulnerability and productivity go hand-in-hand? I think so. Setting boundaries, sharing limitations, dealing with overwhelm, are all part of them both. I know that once you're done listening to our conversation that you'll see the relationship between productivity and vulnerability. And you might just be closer to the aim of being productive rather than "doing" productive, too. Show Notes Connect with Thomas: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn Thomas's Book: The Vulnerable Man Vulnerability + Ted Lasso: The art of vulnerability with Ted Lasso Another book I loved spawned from journaling: Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey Related Conversation: Episode 146 of A Productive Conversation Related Blog Post: Why I Journal (and Why You Should Too) Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the