

Find out how to move from survival to thriving with your business with economist-turned-entrepreneur John Meese. John is on a personal mission to eradicate generational poverty by helping entrepreneurs create thriving businesses which is why he wrote ‘Survive and Thrive: How to Build a Profitable Business in Any Economy (Including This One)’. John is CEO of Cowork.Inc, Co-founder of Notable, and host of the Thrive School podcast. It was great having John back on the show to discuss his latest book. We discussed how to embrace problems, strategies of growing a business, being around like-minded people, and the power of coworking spaces.   Talking Points His process of writing the book  The profit-first mindset The theme of service throughout his research The five ways of growing a business Having the right people around you John’s coworking space Moving from the survival to the thriving state of your business Quote "As an entrepreneur, the world is counting on you to solve problems." Helpful Link