

A/J Jackson is an American filmmaker, musician, songwriter, record producer, and the lead singer for the band Saint Motel. From feeling too limited to one color choice with his own eyewear – A/J Jackson took the leap and created interchangeable tinted lenses. He’s now the founder of AVIEW, which helps you experience a new way of wearing glasses where you can swap out colors whenever you feel like it. Colors can affect your mood, productivity, and general sense of well being. I really enjoyed speaking with A/J Jackson and learning how he maintains his ‘creative muse’. In this episode we discuss how it went from making music to glasses, finding a team of experts to work with, color theory – and the 3D printer at his local library.  Talking Points Taking on new creative projects Color theory and its impact on mood and productivity  The meaning behind ‘rose-tinted glasses’ The power of changing your working environment Experimenting with hyper-scheduling On being a disciplined artist  Quote "By chunking