

On this episode of the podcast, I spend time chatting with Paula Mosher Wallace. We spoke about the emotional component that needs to get considered when you’re trying to manage your time. It’s something that Paula feels gets cast aside in a world driven by the pursuit of productivity at all costs. I met Paula at Jeff Goins’s Tribe Conference and we spent a lunch break learning more about each other, something that led to me asking her to join me on the show. We touch on several of the discussion points we brought up during that lunch break but go deeper into things than we did on that day. Talking Points Paula shares her experience with productivity in business and her personal life Why (and how) Paula challenged me on my methodology and philosophy of TimeCrafting What Paula believes the “missing piece” is to most – if not all – time management systems When and where does the emotional time management piece come into play if one’s day was mapped out We look at strategies that you can use to keep going