

On today’s episode, I spent time with Tonya Dalton. Tonya Dalton started her first business in 20019 working out of her home juggling two small kids. By 2011, she had grown the business to the point where her husband could leave corporate America. The company continued to flourish, but something was missing. In 2014, she closed up shop to follow her true passion, inkWELL Press ®—a company centered around productivity tools, training and education. Tonya’s messages about business management, productivity, and the pursuit of passion have impacted thousands and inspired her to launch her podcast, Productivity Paradox, and her online productivity course, The liveWELL Method™ Tonya Dalton is a productivity expert who believes that too many people feel overwhelmed with all that they have to do each day. She owns inkWELL Press, a business focused on helping others use productivity to pursue big goals and end each day feeling satisfied and successful. Her messages about productivity, goals, and purpose have impacted