

On this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with Stephan Spencer. Stephan is a man of many talents and projects, including hosting The Optimized Geek and writing the book The Art of SEO. The focus of our conversation is on optimization. And I’m not just talking about search engine optimization (although as a Patreon supporter you will hear about his fascination with that subject matter). We dive into optimizing oneself, deliberate practice, Tony Robbins, the power of automation, and balancing learning with execution. (Stephan also offers something special for listeners of the podcast, so listen for that!) Relevant Links SEO Expert, Author, Professional Speaker | Stephan Spencer Optimized Geek | About Platinum Partnership | Tony Robbins Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World | Cal Newport Optimized Geek | Podcast Unleash The Power Within | Tony Robbins Marketing Speak | Podcast Stephan Spencer (@sspencer) | Twitter If you enjoy The Productivityist Podcast I’d apprecia